The World’s Epic Battle in AI

The battle in A.I is becoming one of the most important factors in determining who the world leader for the rest of the 21st century will be. So let’s explore why Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is so important?   In a country with a population and aspirations like China, A.I, big data, and the internet are […]

Native vs Cross-Platform Development 2019

With articles like A Simple Guide to Hybrid and Cross-Platform Mobile Apps and A Simple Guide To Native Mobile Technologies, it’s time to wrap up the two distinct paths one can choose when developing modern applications in 2019. That is, applications that are compatible with phones, desktops, watches, foldables, VR/AR devices or any other device the […]

Google Display Ads Meet Modern Technologies

Did you know that implementing Augmented Reality (AR) in advertisements can give brands the freedom to create more engaging ads for their products? Tech giants like Google are already taking advantage of such new and advanced technologies. In fact, after some updates to the Google and Android developer platform, ARCore, brand designers can create richer […]