
Success stories

In the past decade, we have launched over 100 websites and more than 20 mobile apps, helping each of our clients get closer to their digital goals.

Executive Global Network

EGN is one of the world’s largest professsional networks, and focuses on connecting and helping executives grow.

Our contribution to ENGs growth

We have been working with EGN for over 5 years on a number of projects, including the Members Universe mobile app, and EGN’s corporate multisite.

Currently, we working on maintaining and improving the mobile app, so EGN’s users continue to have the best experience.

Philip Morris International

PMI’s heated tobacco brand IQOS is the world’s first heated tobacco mass-marketed product, promoting a smoke-free future for the world.

Our contribution to PMIs growth

Wiredelta has been building and maintaining the Danish IQOS e-commerce platform since 2018.

A few years ago our team also took over the Swedish IQOS site, and we have been growing both platforms ever since.

Ønskeskyen (GoWish)

Wish it, make a list and share it with your friends and family so you never get the same gift again. All within the world’s largest wish cloud – Ønskeskyen.

Our contribution to Ønskeskyen's growth

Back in 2021, Ønskeskyen was acquired from PostNord, and with the new ownership came a plan of rebranding and rebuilding. 

Our team joined the Ønskeskyen team in designing, building and growing the new platform, reaching the final goal – becoming international.

How can we bring you value?